MATLAB: App design UI figure How to Add Excel like Sort & filter selection

app designer sort filter

I want to add filter to my app design as shown in attachment
  • I have added my source *.mlapp file. For below code, I want to add excel like Sort & filter for all Columns Variables and Row Name data
TableCellData1 = timetable2table(joinedtimetable);
app.UITable.Data = TableCellData1;
t_table = app.UITable.Data(:,app.UITable.Data.Properties.VariableNames);
app.UITable.ColumnName = t_table.Properties.VariableNames;
app.UITable.RowName = 'numbered';
app.UITable.ColumnSortable = true;
app.UITable.BackgroundColor = [1 1 .9; .9 .95 1;1 .5 .5];
% ui figure for viewing full logs
f_table = app.UITable.Data(:,app.UITable.Data.Properties.VariableNames);
fig = uifigure;
uit = uitable(fig,'Data',f_table,...
uit.RowName = 'numbered';
uit.ColumnSortable = true;
uit.BackgroundColor = [1 1 .9; .9 .95 1;1 .5 .5];
uit.Data = f_table;
styleIndices = ismissing(f_table);
[row,col] = find(styleIndices);
s = uistyle('BackgroundColor','black');
uit.DisplayDataChangedFcn = @updatePlot;
set(uit, 'CellSelectionCallBack',[])
set(uit, 'CellSelectionCallBack',@selectionChangeCallBack);
Add Sort & Filter

Best Answer

My comment moved here to close out the question.
There's currently no built-in methods of sorting and filtering UITables. You'll have to create these features manually.
sortrows may come in handy for simple alphanumeric sorting of the entire table based on a selected column.
For filtering, you can use logical indexing to select which rows should be displayed on the table. It won't be a very difficult task but it will take a bit of an investment of time. I'm sure you can find related questions within this forom on both filtering and sorting of UItables to get you started.