MATLAB: How to stackedplot with text data

stackedplot text

I have uit.Data and i want to use "stackedplot" to display the information from the table.
I want to plot below table x & y coordinates.
where x for WeirdDuration and y for text data

Best Answer

Almost a year later I learned of a way to add text to stackedplot axes. See this answer:
** Original answer showing alternative solution **
I'm assuming you're positioning text according to this screen shot you shared in an earlier question. Since text cannot currently be added to stackedplot axes (as for r2019b, let's hope that changes), here are two workarounds
Use an alternative function
(added on 11/19/20)
stackedaxes() on the file exchange is a limited alternative to Matlab's stackedplot and returns the axis handles so that you can add to or modify the plot after it is created.
Create your own custom stacked axes
Create axes, link their x-axis limits, and then add text to each axes.
% Create input table for demo because OP did not provide table
T = table((duration(0,0,17):seconds(1):duration(0,0,20))',...
T = 4x4 table
WeirdDuration lot_test Sublog Message_test _____________ __________ __________ _____________ 00:00:17 {'abc' } {'test1' } {'autoserv1'} 00:00:18 {0×0 char} {0×0 char} {0×0 char } 00:00:19 {'bcd' } {'test3' } {'autoserv3'} 00:00:20 {'cde' } {'test4' } {'autoserv4'}
% The only input would be "T", the table created above. It is assumed that
% The x values are stored in the first column named 'WeirdDuration' and that
% a subplot should be created for each subsequent column in T.
% Create figure with linked subplots stacked vertically
fig = figure();
nSub = size(T,2)-1; %number of subplots assuming 1 subplot for each col of T except the first
% in order to maximize spaces, create subplots manually.
margins = [.11 .11 .08 .12 .01]; %margins: left, right, bottom, top, vertical space between plots
height = (1-sum(margins(3:4)) - (nSub-1)*margins(5))/nSub; %height of each subplot
width = 1-sum(margins(1:2)); % width of each subplot
subPos = margins(3):height+margins(5):1; %vertical position of each subplot from bottom to top (may have extra values at end)
subHand = arrayfun(@(i)axes(fig,'Position',[margins(1),subPos(i),width,height]),1:nSub);
% add grids
set(subHand,'XGrid','on') % you could add 'YGrid','on' if you wish
% How loop through each subplot (i) and add text from column i+1
x = T.WeirdDuration; % the x coordinates of your text
y = 1:size(T,1); % the y coordinates of your text
for i = 1:nSub
th = text(subHand(i), x, y, T{:,i+1},'VerticalAlignment','Bottom');
xlim(subHand(i),[min(x),max(x)+range(x)*.1]) %adds 10% of axis range
% Link x axes so the x limits are always the same
% Remove x tick for all but bottom axes
set(subHand(2:end),'XTickLabel', [])