MATLAB: Accessing the annotation handle


Hi, I am creating a 2d plot and inserting a textarrow using the figure window 'drop down' menu options. Later I wanted to access the handle of the textarrow thus created, so that I can get the positions, strings etc related to the textarrow. So my question is how can access the textarrow handle (the textarrow being created MANUALLY through gui options. Thanks Samik

Best Answer

Samik - it seems that annotation objects (like the one that you have describe above) are children of a hidden axes named scribeOverlay. So you can try using the findall command to find this axes, and so the child annotation object. In R2014a, I created a figure and (like you) added a text arrow via the menu. In the Command Window (or your script or function), type
% get the handle of the hidden annotation axes
hAnnotAxes = findall(gcf,'Tag','scribeOverlay');
% get its children handles
if ~isempty(hAnnotAxes)
hAnnotChildren = get(hAnnotAxes,'Children');
% do something with the annotation handles...
Try the above and see what happens!