MATLAB: 3-Dimensional Shortest Path

3 dimensionalgraphshortestpathshortest path

Hello, I have a question about the shortest path algorithm.
I want to find shortest path in 3 dimensional space(for example, latitude, longitude, and altitude) I think it's possible that using "graphshortestpath" function in matlab is fine.
But in this case it's hard to make a graph matrix and a edge matrix…
So if someone knows that an efficient way to make for shortest path algorithm for 3 dimensional space, please help me.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You are in luck. I have just released a code that does the very exact thing you want to the FileExchange. If you really need to use the toolbox function graphshortestpath, contact me for a version that uses that. Check the earlier sections of the file to find the efficient way to convert volumetric data into a graph, which should be the fastest most efficient way in the west (well while using MATLAB).