MATLAB: Calculating all paths from a given node in a digraph

digraph find all pathsgraph theoryMATLAB

Hey all,
I am using the digraph function and trying to find all paths from a given source node, i was wondering if there already exist a object function to do this such as the shortest path object functions.
As an example:
The output i would like:
[1 2 4]
[1 2 5]
[1 2 6]
[1 3 7 9]
[1 3 7 8]

Best Answer

I've not tested it thoroughly but I think this should work:
function paths = getpaths(g)
%return all paths from a DAG.
%the function will error in toposort if the graph is not a DAG
paths = {}; %path computed so far
endnodes = []; %current end node of each path for easier tracking
for nid = toposort(g) %iterate over all nodes
if indegree(g, nid) == 0 %node is a root, simply add it for now
paths = [paths; nid]; %#ok<AGROW>

endnodes = [endnodes; nid]; %#ok<AGROW>
%find successors of current node and replace all paths that end with the current node with cartesian product of paths and successors
toreplace = endnodes == nid; %all paths that need to be edited
s = successors(g, nid);
if ~isempty(s)
[p, tails] = ndgrid(paths(toreplace), s); %cartesian product
paths = [cellfun(@(p, t) [p, t], p(:), num2cell(tails(:)), 'UniformOutput', false); %append paths and successors
endnodes = [tails(:); endnodes(~toreplace)];