MATLAB: Shortest Possible Path from All Nodes in a Graph

graphsshortest possible path

[dist,path,pred] = graphshortestpath(DG,1,6) would return shortest path from Node 1 to Node 6 in a graph. Is there any way to find shortest paths from all other nodes (i.e. 2,3,4 and 5) to the destination (i.e. 6) simultaneously with one MATLAB command?

Best Answer

No, there is no built-in command for that. You could look in the File Exchange.
If you have a vector of source node numbers, s, and a vector of destination (target) node numbers, t, and for any given index K, the distance from node number s(K) to destination t(K) is given by cost c(K), and you only fill in the list in one direction (assume that the backwards links will automatically be filled in by the software), then
maxnode = max([s(:), t(:)]);
sendpaths = cell(maxnode, 1);
G = graph(s, t, c);
for K = 1 : maxnode
sendpaths{K} = shortestpath(G, K, sinknode);
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