Write an if-elseif block with algorithm2e without the final else


I have an algorithm and an if-elseif block in it that does not have a final else. This leaves my algorithm open, I mean the algorithm does not show end after finishing elseif and it needs an \else to close it. But I do not have any else in the logic/procedure of my algorithm. Is there any solution to close it?


$p \gets f(x)$\; 
\uIf{$p > 1$}{%   
$p \gets x $\; 
\uElseIf{$p < 0$}{% <--   
$p \gets -x $\; 

\Return $p$\;   

Best Answer

How about this (as suggested by Wille):


$p \gets f(x)$\;
\uIf{$p > 1$}{%
  $p \gets x $\;
}\ElseIf{$p < 0$}{% <--
  $p \gets -x $\;

\Return $p$\;  

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