[Tex/LaTex] algorithm2e, if-then-else alignment in output block


I would like to have an if-then-else statement in the output block, with this MWE:


      \eIf{QP is feasible}{ 
        $x^*$: primal solution of problem (1)\newline
        $\lambda^*$: dual solution solving (2).
        infeasibility status.
    \caption{QP solver}


i get the following result:
enter image description here

Is there a way of getting the lines of the if-then-else block aligned with the first if if?

Like this:

enter image description here


Best Answer

If you only want what you show, then you can adjust \algomargin:

enter image description here




% Update \algomargin
\settowidth{\algomargin}{\textbf{Output:} }
  \makebox[0pt][r]{\textbf{Output:} }%
    \eIf{QP is feasible}{
      $x^*$: primal solution of problem (1)\;
      $\lambda^*$: dual solution solving (2)\;
      infeasibility status\;
  \caption{QP solver}
\setlength{\algomargin}{\parindent}% Restore \algomargin

  \Output{\eIf{QP is feasible}{
      $x^*$: primal solution of problem (1)\;
      $\lambda^*$: dual solution solving (2)\;
      infeasibility status\;
  \caption{QP solver}


The second algorithm is merely for reference of the alignment.