Using enotez for getting endnotes at the end AND footnotes on each page (like we used to get from the endnotes package)


I wish to reproduce the following using the enotez package:



My text\footnote{my footnote}




The above gives me footnotes and endnotes.

My attempt :



My text\footnote{my footnote}




This is giving my only footnotes.



My text\footnote{my footnote}




This is giving my only endnotes.

How do I get both footnotes and endnotes from enotez package ?

Best Answer

You can define \footnote to issue both \footnote and \endnote; this of course requires to use an alias of the original \footnote command.


\usepackage[papersize={52mm,74mm}]{geometry} % just to make a smaller picture




My text\footnote{my footnote}

My text\footnote{my second footnote}



enter image description here