Create an Endnote able to Link to the Current Section with “Autolabelling”


I would like tu use footnotes and chapter endnotes in my document (chapter endnotes will be used only for "large" notes).

In endnotes, I would be glad to be able to ref/link to the current chapter(/section/subsection/…) where the endnote was called and the text just before it because I found inconvenient to just have the list of endnotes at the end of a chapter and don't remember what extactly the note is dealing with (the context). So I would like to be able to cite a part of the text and the section number into the endnote in order to put the endnote in context and then help the reader…

Is there a way to have something like a "\myendnote" command with two arguments and ables to:

  1. Print the first argument in the body where the command is called AND in the endnote (between quotes "" and in italic in the exemple below);
  2. Print, in the endnote text, the link to the current chapter, section, subsection, etc. where the command is called and even the footnote number (if the endnote is called into a footnote, see MWE). This last functionality (dealing with the footnote could be adressed with another command like a "\myfootendnote" or with another argument, I'm open to everything…);
% Here maybe something to auto generate the "autolabel" ???
{#1}\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{autolabel} \nameref{autolabel}, p. \pageref{autolabel}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote

See the final working solution below (EDIT 3)

Here a MWE:


\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes

% Here maybe something to auto generate the "autolabel" ???
{#1}\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{autolabel} \nameref{autolabel}, p. \pageref{autolabel}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote


\chapter{First Chapter}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}

\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no 2}!%



And here the expected results:

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

EDIT 3: final working solution thanks to John Kormylo answer

The final solution works with several chapters with endnotes but the hyperlinks related to footnote – in the endnote list – doesn't redirect to the right page but print the correct number.

The \myendnote command call is simplified because the user doesn't need to pass the counters as arguments anymore, the command deals alone with labelling automaticaly.



\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes




% Modification of the command in order to deal with call inside a footnote
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\NewDocumentCommand{\myendnote}{m m o}{%
  % <code>
  \IfNoValueTF{#3}{% code when no optional argument #3 is passed
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\stepcounter{endnoteLabelUsed}\emph{\S{}~\ref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelUsed} \nameref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelUsed}, p. \pageref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelUsed}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
    {% code when the optional argument #3 is present
% Note that, on the next line, the \stepcounter is moved after the \ref and \nameref in order to link to the current section and after to the footnote numer
    {#1}\autoLabelling\autoLabellingFootnote\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelUsed} \nameref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelUsed}, \stepcounter{endnoteLabelUsed}\stepcounter{endnoteLabelInFootnoteUsed}footnote \ref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelInFootnoteUsed\thechapter}, p. \pageref{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelInFootnoteUsed\thechapter}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Optionnal argument if command passed inside a footnote


\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{A First section}
\subsection{A First subsection}

\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}

\setcounter{endnote}{0} %<<<<<< added

\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A second section}
\subsection{A second subsection}

\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}

\setcounter{endnote}{0} %<<<<<< added

\chapter{Third Chapter}
\section{A third section}
\subsection{A third subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]:! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}

\setcounter{endnote}{0} %<<<<<< added

EDIT 1: First Attempt

My Non Working Solution is to use 2 new commands:

  • \autoLabelling command which create a label based on a counter endnoteLabelCnt:
  • \myendnote as presented above but with 3 arguments, the last one is the label created thanks to the counter endnoteLabelCnt with \autoLabelling command.

Here a Minimal NON Working Exemple:


\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes



% Here maybe something to auto generate the "autolabel" ???
{#1}\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Label


\chapter{First Chapter}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}{\arabic{endnoteLabelCnt}}

% Warning: \autoLabelling command is called into the footnote here:
Some text with a foot note\footnote{\autoLabelling\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no 2} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 2}{\arabic{endnoteLabelCnt}}}



The results:

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

The problem is highlighted with a red rectangle: all the links are pointing to the footnote number "1" (which corresponds to the last use of \autoLabelling command in the footnote). The first endnote "a" should point to the subsection 2.1.1 as schown in the expected results above.
It seems that the counter endnoteLabelCnt is "incremented everywhere" even before the last call of \autoLabelling command…

EDIT 2: Second Attempt after follow up comment

The solution proposed by John Kormylo works inside a chapter but I can't make it works if there are several chapters in my document.

I tried to modify the \myendnote command in order to deal with call inside a footnote thanks to an optional argument:

\NewDocumentCommand{\myendnote}{m m m o}{%
  % <code>
  \IfNoValueTF{#4}{% code when no optional argument #4 is passed
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\stepcounter{endnoteLabelCnt}\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
    {% code when the optional argument #4 is present
% Note that, on the next line, the \stepcounter is moved after the \ref and \nameref in order to link to the current section and after to the footnote numer
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, \stepcounter{endnoteLabelCnt}footnote \ref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Label
% #4 : Optionnal argument if command passed inside a footnote

I tried this:


\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes


  % Modification here by adding "\thechapter"

% Modification of the command in order to deal with call inside a footnote
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\NewDocumentCommand{\myendnote}{m m m o}{%
  % <code>
  \IfNoValueTF{#4}{% code when no optional argument #4 is passed
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\stepcounter{endnoteLabelCnt}\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
    {% code when the optional argument #4 is present
% Note that, on the next line, the \stepcounter is moved after the \ref and \nameref in order to link to the current section and after to the footnote numer
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, \stepcounter{endnoteLabelCnt}footnote \ref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Label
% #4 : Optionnal argument if command passed inside a footnote
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{A First section}
\subsection{A First subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}


\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A second section}
\subsection{A second subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt} :!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}



But it doesn't work in the second chaper endnote list, I get only ?? characters…

Best Answer

This sort of works. It prints the footnote counter, but \nameref still prints "A Section".


\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes



\newcommand{\myendnote}[3]{% #1=
% Here maybe something to auto generate the "autolabel" ???
{#1}\endnote{\stepcounter{endnoteLabelCnt}\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Label


\chapter{First Chapter}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{test\theendnoteLabelCnt}

% Warning: \autoLabelling command is called into the footnote here:
Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{test\theendnoteLabelCnt}}\autoLabelling



If you intend to call \printendnotes more than once, you will need two counters. All labels must have unique names, so you can't reuse the old numbers.


\usepackage{fancyvrb}% Only used for verbatim footnotes


  % Modification here by adding "\thechapter"

% Modification of the command in order to deal with call inside a footnote
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\NewDocumentCommand{\myendnote}{m m m o}{%
  % <code>
  \IfNoValueTF{#4}{% code when no optional argument #4 is passed
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\stepcounter{endnoteLabelUsed}\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
    {% code when the optional argument #4 is present
% Note that, on the next line, the \stepcounter is moved after the \ref and \nameref in order to link to the current section and after to the footnote numer
    {#1}\autoLabelling\endnote{\emph{\S{}~\ref{#3} \nameref{#3}, \stepcounter{endnoteLabelUsed}footnote \ref{#3}, p. \pageref{#3}, " {#1} "~}: {#2}}}
% #1 : Text displayed in body document (which have the endnote superscript mark) AND in the endnote between quotes "" and in italic.
% #2 : Text of the endnote
% #3 : Label
% #4 : Optionnal argument if command passed inside a footnote
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{A First section}
\subsection{A First subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt} :! \myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}


\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{A second section}
\subsection{A second subsection}
\verb!\myendnote{Some text with an end note}{text in the end note no 1}!
\verb!{\arabic{AbsoluteSectionNumber}} :!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}

Some text with a foot note\footnote{\verb!\myendnote{footnote text}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt} :!\myendnote{Some text with an end note \theendnoteLabelCnt}{text in the end note no \theendnoteLabelCnt}{\thechapter\theendnoteLabelCnt}[footnote]}


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