Minted – How to Use a $ Sign in Minted


I have code like this:



    private static string Abc() =>


and i have frame like this (compiled on overleaf):

enter image description here

With Only "$":

enter image description here

How can I get rid of the red frame?

Best Answer

Firstly, you don't need to escape the $.

This is a pygments bug relating to its C# lexer, see, which has been fixed in pygments 2.10.0, released on August 15th, 2021.

Jun 12, 2022 updates:

Unfortunately,'s texlive 2021 still provides pygments v2.9.0. You can check by compiling the example below on overleaf:

pygmentize -V

How I find the above info

  • The red frame in pdf output is the style of pygments parsing error, indicating it's a pygments issue.
  • Then I tested OP's minted snippet both locally and on, and each of them works ok (with non-escaped $). I also checked $"string" is a valid C# syntax. All that suggest it's a fixed pygments issue.
  • So I directly jump to pygments' changelog and search for "c#/csharp". This gives
    • Updated lexers:

      • [...]
      • C# (#1573, #1869)
  • I checked #1573 and found it's exactly the same issue OP encountered.
  • The rest is straight: checking that issue was fixed and the fixing was published, getting the minimal version containing the fixing (double checked with the sectioning lines in CHANGE).