[Tex/LaTex] Specify box with header around listing


I am using the minted package to insert code listings for different programming languages in my document. Here is a MWE:



\newminted{python}{autogobble, bgcolor=bg}
%... other minted environments for other languages


    def myClass:
  \caption{Some Python}


Now, what I would like to do is specify for each listing what programming language is being used in in. I was thinking about putting a box around the listing, with a header in which I can specify the language. I would like this language label to be on the right end of the header.

Are there any packages that can help with this? How could I do this?

Best Answer

The documentation of minted says for bgcolor key:

Background color of the listing. Be aware that this option has several limitations (described below); see “Framing alternatives” below for more powerful alternatives.

In section "Framing alternatives", you have:

If you want more reliable and advanced options for background colors and framing, you should consider a more advanced framing package such as mdframed or tcolorbox.

Below you'll find two boxes with tcolorbox and standard minted (more accurate: fancyvrb) possibilities: You see the limitations of standard solution where background color box is larger than the frame. Code:




  autogobble                               ,
  bgcolor       = bg                       ,
  frame         = single                   ,
  framerule     = 1mm                      ,
  framesep      = 3mm                      ,
  label         = \textrm{\textbf{python}} ,
  labelposition = topline


  colback         = yellow!5        ,
  colframe        = yellow!50!black ,
  listing only                      ,
  title           = #1              ,
  halign title    = right           ,
  fonttitle       = \bfseries       ,
  listing engine  = minted          ,
  minted language = python


def myClass:

def myClass:


enter image description here