ToC spacing between individual section numbering and title

numberingspacingtable of contents

Using the tocloft package and \setlength\cftsubsubsecnumwidth{4em} successfully changes the spacing of all subsubsection numbering and titles in the table of content.

How do I change the spacing only for subsubsections 1.10.10 and 1.10.11 to mach the spacing of previous subsubsections as the title and numbering "10" and "11" are too close.

enter image description here







Best Answer

For the odd sectional unit you could consider adding an additional space (like a tie ~) into the ToC entry:

enter image description here



\setlength{\cftsubsubsecnumwidth}{3.5em}% Or whatever default you set for this sectional unit





\subsubsection[~title]{title}% Alternative title in ToC
\subsubsection[~title]{title}% Alternative title in ToC
\subsubsection[~title]{title}% Alternative title in ToC
