[Tex/LaTex] Section numbering changes in TOC, but not in body – specific to IEEEtran

ieeetransectioningtable of contents

I'm having a strange issue with the IEEEtran package. I'm using \renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section}} and so on to change the section, subsection, and subsubsection numbering. As mentioned in the title, I see the changes in the TOC, but not in the body of the document. MWE is below:





Words, words, all words

\section{Big section}

\subsection{Section Three}

\subsubsection{SubSection Three}~\\ texty text

\subsubsection{title}~\\ texty text


enter image description here

Best Answer

To change the numbering of the main text headings (as opposed to those used in the ToC), you have to redefine \thesectiondis, \thesubsectiondis, and \thesubsubsectiondis.






Words, words, all words

\section{Big section}

\subsection{Section Three}

\subsubsection{SubSection Three}~\\ texty text

\subsubsection{title}~\\ texty text


enter image description here

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