TexLive update in Ubuntu 18.04


I am new in Ubuntu and Tex so, from searching on here and on the Ubuntu forum, I (think) I managed to install TexLive 2020. But the version used on TexStudio is still TexLive 2017. Can I do something to update the version (I checked the update option of the app, but it says it is updated) an if yes what is this? I want to update so that I maybe solve a problem I have with semicolon in greek not showing up right and have a more updated version. It shows up as an upper dot.

EDIT: The problem with the semicolon is solved here.

I leave this as well.

Best Answer

In your comment you stated that you installed TeXLive (TL) via the Ubuntu repositories. However you are using Ubunto 18.04, which ships only TL2017 in its repositories (see https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/texlive). Therefore by executing sudo apt-get install texlive-full you are installing TL2017 and not TL2020.

If you want to install a more recent version of TL (independent of the Ubuntu repos), you will have to do it manually. But no worries this is not a big deal. The process is described at http://tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html

Essentially it boils down to:

  1. Download the zip from http://tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html
  2. Extract the zip
  3. Run the install-tl script (if I remeber correctly you'll want to run this script as sudo in order for it to be able to install TL into system directories)
  4. Adapt the configuration of TL interactively via the script
  5. Let the script install TL (this will take a while for it to download all files to your computer)

Note: You might want to uninstall the TL version from the Ubuntu repos before performing above steps. For that check this answer.

EDIT: If you only want to update TeXStudio and continue using the TL version you have already installed, you can install a more recent TeXStudio version via their PPA repo. The process is described here: https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/02/texstudio-3-0-5-released-install-official-ubuntu-ppa/

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