[Tex/LaTex] x tick label style issue, anchor=east and text width command not working together


I have a figure where one of my labels is very long. I would like this label to be split to two rows. Currently my code is like this




\pgfplotsset{width=10 cm}
\begin{axis} [
symbolic x coords={0, Label 1, Label 2, This is a very very very long label, Label 4, Label 5, Label 6, Label 7,Label 8},
xtick={Label 1, Label 2, This is a very very very long label, Label 4, Label 5, Label 6, Label 7},
x tick label style={rotate=45, anchor=east, align=center},
axis lines*=left,
ymajorgrids = true,
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.30)},anchor=north},
bar width=5mm,
enlarge x limits={abs=0.6cm},
nodes near coords,        
every node near coord/.append style={color=black},
\addplot [red,fill=red] 
coordinates{ (Label 1,100) (Label 2,90) (This is a very very very long label,80) (Label 4,140) } ;
\addplot [blue,fill=blue]
coordinates{ (Label 5,80) (Label 6,25) (Label 7,66) } ;
\addlegendentry{Legend 1}
\addlegendentry{Legend 2}


Which produces this: enter image description here

Now if I try to change the x tick label style to be

x tick label style={rotate=45, anchor=east, align=center,text width=3.5cm}

This happens: enter image description here

So the anchor=east command doesn't seem to go along with the text width command. Other anchor commands like anchor=west, anchor=base seem to be working perfectly normal. Does anyone know why the anchor east command doesn't seem to work with the text width command and is there a way to go around this?

Best Answer

Your x tick labels are anchored to the east. But since you are giving align=center and textwidth=3.5cm the labels that are shorter will be aligned to the center with blank space to the right. Hence they stay bit away from the x-axis. To solve it align them to the right with align=right in

x tick label style={rotate=45, anchor=east, align=right,text width=3.5cm},

Full code:




\pgfplotsset{width=10 cm}
\begin{axis} [
symbolic x coords={0, Label 1, Label 2, This is a very very very long label, Label 4, Label 5, Label 6, Label 7,Label 8},
xtick={Label 1, Label 2, This is a very very very long label, Label 4, Label 5, Label 6, Label 7},
x tick label style={rotate=45, anchor=east, align=right,text width=3.5cm},
axis lines*=left,
ymajorgrids = true,
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.30)},anchor=north},
bar width=5mm,
enlarge x limits={abs=0.6cm},
nodes near coords,
every node near coord/.append style={color=black},
\addplot [red,fill=red]
coordinates{ (Label 1,100) (Label 2,90) (This is a very very very long label,80) (Label 4,140) } ;
\addplot [blue,fill=blue]
coordinates{ (Label 5,80) (Label 6,25) (Label 7,66) } ;
\addlegendentry{Legend 1}
\addlegendentry{Legend 2}


enter image description here