[Tex/LaTex] Write elements above and right outside the matrix


I found writing matrix's code is a boring work. There is one, you can see in pic below.

Can anybody help?

Best Answer

This is definitely possible when using the blkarray package. Here's a mock-up with some index styling (in \scriptsize):

enter image description here

\usepackage{blkarray}% http://ctan.org/pkg/blkarray
\newcommand{\matindex}[1]{\mbox{\scriptsize#1}}% Matrix index
    \matindex{1} & \matindex{2} & \\
      a & b & \matindex{3} \\
      c & d & \matindex{4} \\
      e & f &   \\

This would also be doable using a plain array, but would require additional vertical alignment/compensation, perhaps removing some of the code readability that exists via blkarray.