[Tex/LaTex] Wrapfigure keeps space for rest of page


Can anyone helped me with this? I've looked up questions with similar problems but nome of them seem to work for me. I'm writing a book and I like to use wrapfig for site-notes for recalls or notation etc. Throughout the book, the wrapped-figure reserves space below it for the rest of the page. \clearpage fixes the problem but I don't want to start a new page after each wrapfigure. Help 🙁

Here's the particular case I'm dealing with: enter image description here

I want the paragraph under the diagram to spread out over the whole page. An MWE of the above can be found below.

    \geometry{a4paper, portrait, margin=1in}
    \subsection*{What is Differentiation?}
    Differentiation is a mathematical tool used to find the \textbf{gradient of a tangent} to any general curve $y=f(x)$ at any desired point ($P$).
        \draw (0,-0.3) node[left]{$O$};
        \draw[thick, color=gray,->] (-4,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {\textcolor{black}{$x$}};
        \draw[thick, color=gray, ->] (0,-1) -- (0,5) node[above] {\textcolor{black}{$f(x)$}};
        \draw [color=red, semithick](-4,1).. controls(1,1.5).. (3.5,5);
        \node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt,label=below right:{$P(x,y)$}] (P) at (1.15,2.15) {};
        \draw (3,4) node[right]{$y=f(x)$};
        \draw (-1,3/5+0.05)--(3,34/10+0.05);
        \draw (-0.3,0.3) node[left]{tangent};
    In general, the steepness (i.e. gradient) of a curve at any point $P$ is the same as the gradient of the tangent at that point; i.e.
    \[m_{\text{tangent at P}}=m_{f(x)\text{ at P}}\]
    In calculus, $m_{f(x)\text{ at P}}$ is denoted \[\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}\left(f(x)\right)\text{~~or~~~~} \displaystyle\frac{dy}{dx}\] when the equation is defined in the form $y=f(x)$, and we call this general gradient the \textbf{derivative} of the curve. \paragraph{}
                    \normalsize \textbf{Notation}
                    \Large $$\delta x$$
                    \normalsize The Greek letter $\delta$ (small-case delta) is a \textbf{prefix} to a variable and it represents an infinitesimally small increase in that variable. It is not a distinct value. 
    Consider now another point on our general curve, the point Q. This point is $\delta x$ away from $P$ horizontally and $\delta y$ away from $P$ vertically:\\
        \draw (0,-0.3) node[left]{$O$};
        \draw[thick, color=gray,->] (-4,0) -- (5,0) node[right] {\textcolor{black}{$x$}};
        \draw[thick, color=gray, ->] (0,-1) -- (0,5) node[above] {\textcolor{black}{$f(x)$}};
        \draw[color=blue] (1.15,2.15)--(3.3,4.7);
        \draw [color=red, semithick](-4,1).. controls(1,1.5).. (3.5,5);
        \node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt,label=below right:{$P(x,y)$}] (P) at (1.15,2.15) {};
        \node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt,label=right:{$Q(x+\delta x,y+\delta y)$}] (Q) at (3.3,4.7) {};
        \draw (3,4) node[right]{$y=f(x)$};
        \draw (-1,3/5+0.05)--(3,34/10+0.05);
        \draw (-0.3,0.3) node[left]{tangent};
        \draw[dotted] (3.3,4.7)--(3.3,4.3);
        \draw[dotted] (3.3,3.7)--(3.3,0);
        \draw[dotted] (1.12,2.15)--(1.12,0);
        \draw[dotted] (3.3,4.7)--(0,4.7);
        \draw[dotted] (1.12,2.15)--(0,2.15);
        \draw(-0.6, 3.4) node{$\delta y$};
        \draw(2.3, -0.6) node{$\delta x$};
        The coordinates of $Q$ are $(x+\delta x,y+\delta y)$, shown above. We notice that if the values of $\delta x$ and $\delta y$ were to get smaller and smaller, the gradient of the chord $PQ$ (in blue) would approach that of the tangent at $P$, the gradient we wish to find ($\frac{dy}{dx}$). We also know that the $y$-values of this graph are dependent on their respective $x$-value, since $y$ is defined as a function of $x$ ($y=f(x)$). So as $\delta x$ decreases, $\delta y$ will consequentially decrease because $(y+\delta y)$ is dependent on $(x+\delta x)$. So we can say that as $\boldsymbol{\delta x\longrightarrow 0}$;  $\boldsymbol{m_{PQ}\longrightarrow\frac{dy}{dx}}$. 

I appreciate your feedback 🙂

Best Answer

You only have to set the number of lines that will be wrapped as an optional argument to the environment:


Alternatively, you might try the InsertBoxR generic macro in the place of the wrapfigure environment: use


\normalsize \textbf{Notation}
\Large $$\delta x$$
    \normalsize The Greek letter $\delta$ (small-case delta) is a \textbf{prefix} to a variable and it represents an infinitesimally small increase in that variable. It is not a distinct value.

enter image description here