[Tex/LaTex] Will JabRef affect the BibDesk BibTeX file


I have a large bibliography with linked pdfs on my mac which I manage with BibDesk. It is on Google Drive and I want to open it in JabRef on my linux laptop. Will either of these managers affect fields that are specific to the other? e.g. might JabRef cause me to lose the pdf links that BibDesk uses?

Perhaps I should (git) version the whole directory…

Best Answer

I strongly recommend keeping your .bib file in a version control system, regardless. However, BibDesk will not automatically add/remove fields, unless you tell it to. As far as I can recall, the only fields it might modify are the file links, which have a Bdsk- prefix. BibDesk's file links are pretty robust, and they're also private to BibDesk; as far as I know, JabRef and other reference managers don't even attempt to read them, so they should just pass through.