[Tex/LaTex] Why won’t the glossaries print


I have a look around online and at other posts however I haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. Here is the code I'm using:

\usepackage{algorithm, algorithmic}
\parindent 0pt

% Create the glossaries

% Create the list of Acronyms
\newacronym{NYC}{NYC}{New York City}





I then compile the document through TeXShop (on Mac) using the following Engine:

bfname=$(dirname "$1")/"`basename "$1" .tex`"
pdflatex --shell-escape "$1"
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -t "$bfname".glg -o "$bfname".gls "$bfname".glo
pdflatex --shell-escape "$1"
pdflatex --shell-escape "$1"

However, it compiles the document and everything in it looks fine. The only exception being that the glossaries aren't displayed. Please can someone help me out?

Best Answer

To resolve the issue I added the following line to the engine script:

makeglossaries "$bfname".acn