[Tex/LaTex] Package glossaries print acronyms instead of description


I am writing an article for MDPI journal and I would like to use my list of glossaries instead of typing them by hand (which is what is done in the template).

I have tried the solution provided here: List of Acronyms but nothing seems to work. I think that I am mixing glossary terms and acronyms and this is why it doesn't work, but I think this is a legitimate thing to do as a lot of glossary terms have acronyms.

My MWE is:




% Tell glossaries package that glossaries start here
% Import the glossaries package


This is an acronym: \gls{dht}.\par

\section{This is how it should look like}

MDPI & Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute\\
DOAJ & Directory of open access journals\\
TLA & Three letter acronym\\
LD & linear dichroism

\section{This is how it looks like}



and glossary.tex contains:

    first={Distributed Hash Table (DHT)},
    long={Distributed Hash Table},
    firstplural={Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)},
    description={I want the long here, not the description}

I have two separate questions, one regarding style formatting and the other regarding what is shown in the abbreviations table. This SO question refers to the latter. I have also checked: Combined glossary and list of acronyms: Same backlinks for full entry and acronym, or none at all at the latter? but although I think it is related to my question, I can't come with a proper solution as I have not enough expertise.

Best Answer

Use \newacronym to define abbreviations with the glossaries package. The glossary.tex file should look like:

\newacronym{dht}{DHT}{Distributed Hash Table}
\newacronym{mdpi}{MDPI}{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}
\newacronym[longplural={Directories of open access journals}]
 {doaj}{DOAJ}{Directory of open access journals}
\newacronym{tla}{TLA}{Three letter acronym}
\newacronym{ld}{LD}{linear dichroism}

The document should input this file using just \input or \loadglsentries. Fancier inclusion commands, such as \subimport or \include, should be avoided.

The document:




\input{glossary}% input definitions

First use: \gls{dht}. Next use: \gls{dht}.


First use plural \glspl{dht}. Next use plural: \glspl{dht}.

\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Acronyms}]

The document build process (assuming the file is called myDoc.tex):

pdflatex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
pdflatex MyDoc

Or (if you don't have Perl):

pdflatex myDoc
makeglossaries-lite myDoc
pdflatex myDoc


image of document

If you want all defined entries included, even if they haven't been used in the document, add \glsaddallunused at the end of the document:




\input{glossary}% input definitions

First use: \gls{dht}. Next use: \gls{dht}.


First use plural \glspl{dht}. Next use plural: \glspl{dht}.

\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Acronyms}]

This produces:

image of document

The vertical gaps are caused by a change in letter group. Use nogroupskip to omit them:


If you want the entries listed in order of definition, use sort=def:


If you want to use the glossaries-extra extension package, you need to replace \setacronymstyle with \setabbreviationstyle[acronym]:




\input{glossary}% input definitions

First use: \gls{dht}. Next use: \gls{dht}.


First use plural \glspl{dht}. Next use plural: \glspl{dht}.

\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Acronyms}]

In this case (all defined entries and in order of definition and nonumberlist) you can simplify the build process:



\input{glossary}% input definitions

First use: \gls{dht}. Next use: \gls{dht}.


First use plural \glspl{dht}. Next use plural: \glspl{dht}.

\printunsrtglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Acronyms}]

The build process is now just:

pdflatex myDoc


image of document

With glossaries-extra, you can change \newacronym to \newabbreviation, in which case you also need to change \acronymtype to \glsxtrabbrvtype and just use \setabbreviationstyle{long-short} (without the optional argument).

If you have a mixture of some abbreviations with descriptions and some without, the best method is to use glossaries-extra, which allows multiple abbreviation styles.

For example, use \newacronym for terms without a description:

\newacronym{dht}{DHT}{Distributed Hash Table}

with the acronym style set to long-short:


and use \newabbreviation for terms with a description:

\newabbreviation[description={description text here}]{tla}{TLA}{Three letter acronym}

and use the long-short-desc style:


You might need a different glossary style or split the entries into two glossaries, depending on how they need to be displayed.