[Tex/LaTex] Why don’t these words look to have have the same size


Is it due to my eyes that these words W1 aren't of the same size here?
Also I tried left aligned for the second column but somehow it looks skew to me. Please tell me if you have any idea to make it look nicer.



  \caption{TEST FUNCTIONS}
  \begin{tabular}{c l}
STTC & FUL\\ \midrule
H1 & $W_1$ \\\midrule
H2  & $\frac{1}{W_1}$ \\\midrule
H3  & $\frac{1}{1-W_1}$  \\\midrule
H4  & $1-W_1$ \\\midrule
H5  & $\frac{W_1-1}{W_1}$ \\\midrule
H6  & $\frac{W_1}{W_1-1}$\\\bottomrule



enter image description here

Best Answer

This is unrelated to tables. You are using inline textstyle math designed to fit in a normal height line. fractions use a smaller font just as superscripts do. The W is smaller just as the second 2 is smaller in 2+½ . You can use \dfrac instead of\frac to get display fractions.

enter image description here



  \caption{TEST FUNCTIONS}
  \begin{tabular}{c l}
STTC & FUL\\ \midrule
H1 & $W_1$ \\\midrule
H2  & $\dfrac{1}{W_1}$ \\\midrule
H3  & $\dfrac{1}{1-W_1}$  \\\midrule
H4  & $1-W_1$ \\\midrule
H5  & $\dfrac{W_1-1}{W_1}$ \\\midrule
H6  & $\dfrac{W_1}{W_1-1}$\\\bottomrule

