[Tex/LaTex] Make Legendre symbols the same size


I've been having a bit of trouble typesetting (n-th power) Legendre symbols. I've set up the command


But, when I type e.g.

$$\Leg[3]{\pi}{\theta} = \Leg[3]{\theta}{\pi}$$

the symbol on the left is smaller than the one on the right:


I'd be very grateful if someone could suggest a way to make the symbols the same size. (Either a way to set up the \Leg command so it always outputs symbols of the same size, or an ad hoc way of adjusting the size each time I use \Leg would be great.)

Best Answer

You can (and should) use \genfrac:




We can use the Legendre symbol $\legendre{\pi}{\theta}$
\legendre[3]{\pi}{\theta} = \legendre[3]{\theta}{\pi}
We can also choose the size

The command \legendre, \dlegendre and \tlegendre act the same as \frac, \dfrac and \tfrac.

enter image description here

The \genfrac command takes six arguments:

  1. left delimiter (if empty, no delimiter);
  2. right delimiter (if empty, no delimiter);
  3. the thickness of the fraction line (if empty, standard thickness);
  4. the math style to use (if empty, use the current style); styles are denoted by 0 (display style), 1 (text style), 2 (script style), 3 (scriptscript style);
  5. the numerator;
  6. the denominator.

Thus we get \legendre from \genlegendre by passing nothing as fourth argument to \genfrac, \dlegendre by passing 0.

The \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax trick is for avoiding an empty subscript that would generate \scriptspace nonetheless.