[Tex/LaTex] Why doesn’t the \newtheorem definition of the “definition” environment work


This is not my command but I copied from some other Latex help website. But when I write


I get the error message

\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}

        \item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
        \item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
        \item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
        \item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}

\newcommand{\qed}{\nobreak \ifvmode \relax \else
    \ifdim\lastskip<1.5em \hskip-\lastskip
    \hskip1.5em plus0em minus0.5em \fi \nobreak
    \vrule height0.75em width0.5em depth0.25em\fi}

Best Answer

You've placed all your definitions inside a group {...}, which limits the scope of all newly-defined macros (including environments). That is, they're local and don't survive the group, making the definition useless.

Remove the grouping {...} to fix this problem.

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