Babel Package – Troubleshooting Usage Issues in Texmaker


I'm using TexMaker in Xubuntu. I wrote these lines:

\title{Os devaneios da pós-graduação de Luís Muniz}
\author{Luís Augusto Muniz Telles}
"Paulo batista mito"

When I click on the button to compile, it gives me this error:

#"Package babel error: unknown option 'portuguese'. Either you mispelled it  
 (babel)      or the language definition file portugues.ldf was not found."

I already tried the options portuges, brazilian and brazil and it gives me the same error.

Note: I just installed TexMaker and tried it out.

Best Answer

From my comment to a proper answer. :)

This looks like a missing dependency in the TeX installation. Running

$ sudo apt-get install texlive-lang-portuguese

in the terminal (or installing the very same package via Software Center) will install the Portuguese support for babel and hopefully the code will work. :)

Also, the format of the document should be


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % to have good hyphenation
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % accented characters in input
\title{Os devaneios da pós-graduação de Luís Muniz}
\author{Luís Augusto Muniz Telles}
``Paulo batista mito''
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