[Tex/LaTex] Why can’t sectsty change the chapter font when it’s used with babel package


I'm using Latex to write my thesis in Hungarian, so I include in the preamble the following:


Once this is loaded, I get "Chapter", "Figure", etc. in Hungarian and with matching typography.

I would like to use a sans-serif font in chapter, section and subsection headings. To achieve this, I use the sectsty package, set up like this:


LaTeX correctly sets sections and subsections in TeX Gyre, but chapter headings stay unchanged, while unnumbered chapters (\chapter*{...})
get changed like they are supposed to.


Chapter font remain unchanged


See image.

I suspect the conflict is caused by babel, which redefines the chapter heading in some way sectsty won't be able to handle.

Does anyone have any idea how to manage this? I have tried titlesec, but it behaves in the same way.

Thank you!


I created a short document with every relevant package to recreate the problem:





    \chapter{Example chapter} %% this one is not working correctly


    \section{Example section}


    \subsection{Example subsection}


    \chapter*{Example unnumbered chapter}



If I comment out babel, sectsty works as expected but I lose the localization obviously.

Best Answer

The magyar option seizes the initiative and changes the code for \@chapter to reflect the original code in the class and ignores the settings by sectsty. It does nothing to \@schapter, which is the reason you see sans serif in unnumbered chapters.

Use titlesec, instead:






  {\thechapter. \chaptername}


\chapter{Example chapter} %% this one is not working correctly


\section{Example section}


\subsection{Example subsection}


\chapter*{Example unnumbered chapter}


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