[Tex/LaTex] Why are the notes not showing while using apa style with biblatex


So I'm still working on this big essay and today I noticed that the notes we added in the .bib file are not showing up in the bibliography. It is only happening when I'm using the apa style. Maybe printing the note data field is not implemented, just like the ISBN? (Biblatex not showing ISBN with apa style) Otherwise, what am I doing wrong?




Content. \parencite{something_one} More content \parencite{something-else_one} more content.

And the sources.bib file:

author      =   {Some One},
title       =   {Something},
year        =   {nodate},
url         =   {https://somesite.org/somepage},
urldate     =   {2017-12-19},
note        =   {I'm a note}

author      =   {Some One},
title       =   {Something else},
year        =   {nodate},
url         =   {https://somesite.org/someotherpage},
urldate     =   {2017-12-19},
note        =   {I'm another note}

Best Answer

In addition to the comments above, this is how to patch the @online entry type driver to include the note field.

  1. Have a look in the file apa.bbx and find the online driver (search for \DeclareBibliographyDriver{online}).
  2. Have a look through this driver and see where you want to put the note field. Most drivers put the note field before any doi or url.
  3. You'll see that immediately before the doi field there is \printfield{entrysubtype}.
  4. We can patch the driver using xpatch to insert the note field after this with a period and space in between like this:

    \usepackage{xpatch}% load the xpatch package
    \xpatchbibdriver{online}% patch the online driver:
      {\printfield{entrysubtype}}% replace this line
      {\printfield{entrysubtype}%  with these lines

Full MWE

  author  = {Some One},
  title   = {Something},
  year    = {nodate},
  url     = {https://somesite.org/somepage},
  urldate = {2017-12-19},
  note    = {I'm a note}
  author  = {Some One},
  title   = {Something else},
  year    = {nodate},
  url     = {https://somesite.org/someotherpage},
  urldate = {2017-12-19},
  note    = {I'm another note}

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