Macros – What’s Wrong with My Newcommand?


I defined a question macro, then made it successively fancier. Right now, three macro should define a short hand for the following:

\item Q1...
\item Q2...
\item exercise 1
\item exercise 2
\href{my.url.goes/here/specific}{Take the quiz}

The three commands defined to do this are:

\newcommand{\endexer}[1]{\end{enumerate}\href{{#1}}{Take the quiz}}

A sample call to make this happen:

\item What is 2+3?
\item Write a program to compute 2+3

should generate the url:

The error is:

! LaTeX Error: Command \endexer already defined.
Or name \end… illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

I am not posting the MWE because I think this is a stupid syntax error based on something I am missing about \newcommand, but if I'm wrong, I will create an MWE and add it here.

Best Answer

The first problem you have is that you cannot create a macro starting with \end... when using \newcommand. This check is defined inside the LaTeX kernel as part of an \@ifdefinable condition. To circumvent this you need to use TeX directives. That is,


rather than


Secondly, the \newcommand syntax has the following structure (see source2e.pdf):

  • * is optional
  • \foo is the command to be created
  • <i> is the number of arguments to gobble (up to 9); this references mandatory or a possible optional argument
  • <j> is the default value of the first optional argument (if it exists does not exist); can only have one
  • <text> is the macro definition when using \foo

For \newcommand{\foo}[1]{stuff #1} you would use it as \foo{<stuff>}, not \foo[<stuff>]. This latter usage would have required a definition of \foo of the form


Note the second set of [], denoting that \foo takes an optional argument (that is empty by default/if not specified).

Specific to your case, use \endexer{123}, not \endexer[123].

Here is a minimal example:

enter image description here

\def\endexer#1{\end{enumerate}\href{{#1}}{Take the quiz}}

\item What is $2+3$?
\item Write a program to compute $2+3$.
