[Tex/LaTex] Adding \comment or \begin{comment} to \AtBeginDocument


For Partial compilation commands/environment?, I would like to add \begin{comment} or \comment at the start of the document (so I could turn it off elsewhere in the code).

So, even if in the larger scope of things it is useless – in this MWE, as an exercise, I'd like the whole text to be blanked, basically, conditionally through the command line (the result would be a blank page, or even no pdf).

EDIT: However, I'd want it done in such a way, so that I could arbitrarily add \end{comment} / \begin{comment} later on it the document, and have only that snippet compile.


  % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14135/how-to-automatically-add-text-immediately-after-begindocument
  %\AtBeginDocument{\comment}         % ! Extra \endgroup.
  %\AtBeginDocument{\begin{comment}}  % Runaway argument? ! File ended while scanning use of \next.
  %\AfterEndPreamble{\comment}        % ! Extra \endgroup.
  %\AfterEndPreamble{\begin{comment}} % Runaway argument? ! File ended while scanning use of \next.
  % desperate try (also fails w/ ! Extra \endgroup.):
  } % ! Extra \endgroup.


\chapter{Some chapter}
\section{Section One}

% later I might want to use here:
% \end{comment}
% \lipsum[5] % this would be typeset
% \begin{comment} % from this point on, again blanked


The idea is that the document would be "blanked" if Latex is called on the command line via
pdflatex "\let\doskip\relax\input{test.tex}"
… however, clearly there are some grouping errors; otherwise without the intervention, just using pdflatex test.tex, works fine.

Any ideas how this could be implemented?

EDIT2: closer, but not yet there: I've seen in kpsewhich comment.sty "Other 'comment' environments are defined by … \excludecoment{versionb} ; These environments are used as \begin{versiona} … \end{versiona} with the opening and closing commands again on a line of their own. This is not a LaTeX environment: for an included comment, the \begin and \end lines act as if they don't exist. In particular, they don't imply grouping …"

So in the below example, which uses \excludecomment{versionb}, the begin{document} is succesfully overridden, the first part is skipped, then comment is interrupted, \lipsum[5] is typeset, and document compiles without error – but beyond that, it is very difficult to properly close either non-interrupted (fully blanked doc) or continue with blanking after once it's been interrupted:


  %\AtEndPreamble{ % here causes ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
    % \expandafter\begin{versionb}\relax
  } % 
  %\AtEndDocument{\end{versionb}} % ! LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{versionb}.

% \traceon

\chapter{Some chapter}
\section{Section One}

% \begin{versionb}

%% \end{versionb} % can this be implicit, as per \AtEndDocument?

A \typeout can be added, to this macro in comment.sty:

      \typeout{test: \meaning\test, \meaning\expandafter \csname End\CurrentComment Test\endcsname}

… so if there isn't a \end{versionb} before the \lipsum[5], we can see that the problem occurs because lines are attempted to be read beyond end of file:

test: macro:->\end{document}, \expandafter\end{versionb}
test: macro:->%%ENNDDD, \expandafter\end{versionb}
test: macro:->, \expandafter\end{versionb}
Runaway argument?
! File ended while scanning use of \next.
<inserted text> 
<*> \let\doskip\relax\input{test.tex}

So, I'm still in need of help on how to make this code work for all circumstances…

Best Answer

You can use the following code somewhere in the preamble after \documentclass.

\ifx\doskip\relax \expandafter\doskipA\fi
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