Font Sets in LaTeX – What Font Sets Can Be Accessed Using Packages?


I roughly know how fonts work in LaTeX but right know, I don't want to mess with the details. What I do want to do is to use:


to get matching sets of fonts. What "font sets" — like Times for text, Helvetica for captions and Courier for code — are available this way?

A pre-existing list would be nice but I suppose we could also maintain one here if none exists yet.

Best Answer

  • lmodern
  • mathptmx
    • Serif: Nimbus
    • Sans: Computer Modern Sans
    • Typewriter: Computer Modern
  • mathpazo
    • Serif: Palatino
    • Math: MathPazo (matching Palatino)
  • garamond
  • fourier
  • kpfonts
    • Serif: Kp-Fonts Roman
    • Sans serif: Kp-Fonts Sans
    • Typewriter: Kp-Fonts Mono
    • Math: Kp-Fonts Math
  • MinionPro (requires commercial support files)
    • Serif: Minion Pro
    • Math: MnSymbol


palatino--> mathpazo

times --> mathptmx