[Tex/LaTex] Warning Message Using Revtex4 in Preamble


I was wondering what was the cause of the following warning! message with the documentclass below:

Using the following:



Class revtex4 Warning: No Society specified, using generic APS style.

Best Answer

You did not specify a society (journal) and therefor it used the generic APS style :-)

Option aps: American Physical Society, default journal


Options pra, prb, prc, prd, pre, prl, prstab: APS society, Physical Review Journals.

Option osa: Optical Society of America, default journal, etc.

ADDED: Usage of times fonts

Make sure that you load amsmath before the font commands. With ReVTeX it can be loaded as a class option


Do not use the times package because it was superseded by mathptmx. Use the following setup but note that the \bm{} will use "poorman's bold" because the times do not have bold math symbols

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}%.......... Type 1 outline fonts
\usepackage{textcomp}%............. Additional text symbols
\usepackage{mathptmx}%............. Roman+math - Times
\usepackage[scaled=.92]{helvet}%... Sans serif - Helvetica
\usepackage{courier}%.............. Typewriter - Courier
\usepackage{bm}%................... Bold math symbols

An alternative is to use the txfonts package that has bold math symbols

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}%.......... Type 1 outline fonts
\usepackage{textcomp}%............. Additional text symbols
\usepackage{txfonts}%.............. Roman-Times, Sans-Helvetica, TT-Monospaced
\usepackage{bm}%................... Bold math fonts