[Tex/LaTex] Want to Draw circle with sector and segment


I am able to draw a simple circle.

\draw (10,0) circle (3cm);

But when I come across the following figures I face some difficulties.

enter image description here

Please provide some guidance so I can move ahead.

Best Answer


\filldraw[fill=blue!40] circle (2.5cm);
     (320:2.5cm) node[right] {Q} 
  -- (220:2.5cm) node[left] {P} 
  arc[start angle=220, end angle=320, radius=2.5cm] 
  -- cycle;
\node {Major Segment};
\node at (-90:2) {Minor Segment};

\draw circle (2.5cm);
     (320:2.5cm) node[right] {Q}
  -- (0,0) node[above] {O}
  -- (220:2.5cm) node[left] {P} 
  arc[start angle=220, end angle=320, radius=2.5cm]
  -- cycle;
\node at (90:1cm) {Major Sector};
\node at (-90:1.5) {Minor Sector};

enter image description here