[Tex/LaTex] Vim: Get Rainbow Parenthesis work with Latexsuite


I'm using the text editor vim (or MacVim) together with the LatexSuite plugin. It works good, so far, but there is one thing that annoys me: There is an awesome plugin, Rainbow Parenthesis, that will color matching parenthesis in different colors, which makes spotting unbalanced parentheses very easy.

However, I cannot get it to work properly with LatexSuite, because this package defines a whole bunch of syntax regions that override the regions the rainbow color plugin uses. I get the coloring at the top level, but not after a \section{Foo} command, apparently because text below a section becomes a new syntax region…

Did someone succeed in getting these two plugins working together? Or is there a tweaked version of LatexSuite using this type of parenthesis coloring?

Best Answer

This plugin works with AutomaticTexPlugin: http://atp-vim.sourceforge.net/ Note that AutomaticTexPlugin has can close unclosed parenthesis with Tab key.