[Tex/LaTex] How to turn Vim LatexSuite on Manually


VLS's commands such as ^J and F5 do not work always for me inside Vim so how can turn VLS manually or do some other tricks to get VLS working more often? The word "often" could mean that VLS gets triggered with every *.tex -ended file. Also, how can I see whether the VLS is even enabled?

$ cat ~/.vimrc

filetype plugin on
set modeline
set modelines=20

Perhaps related

  1. Help me to write Long LaTeX equations fast with colours and possibly with other aids

  2. http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/

Best Answer

Maybe you did not really install Latex-Suite? I'm using Ubuntu and I noticed that it is not sufficient to install Latex-Suite using:

sudo apt-get install vim-latexsuite

For the actual installation you have to use Vim's addon manager:

vim-addons install latex-suite