[Tex/LaTex] Vertically Center Row Entries in Table

tablesvertical alignment

in the MWE below, I wanted to be able to center the row entries vertically in the table. Thanks!

Here is my code:



\chapter*{List of Abbreviations}

\begin{tabular}{ m{3cm} m{7cm} }
\textbf{Abbreviation} & \textbf{Explanation} \\ [2ex]
\textbf{ACPR} & Adjacent Channel Power Rejection \\ [2ex]
\textbf{BER} & Bit Error Rate \\ [2ex]
\textbf{EVM} & Error Vector Magnitude \\ [2ex]
\textbf{FM} & Frequency Modulation \\ [2ex]
\textbf{HP} & High Port \\ [2ex]
\textbf{IMR} & Inter Modulation Rejection \\ [2ex]


Best Answer

Some suggestions:

  • Drop the [2ex] vertical spacing directives;

  • To compensate, increase \arraystretch to ca 1.75;

  • Use p rather than m column types; and

  • Omit the \arrayrulecolor{white} and \arrayrulewidth=1pt directives, as the code doesn't feature either horizontal or vertical lines.

enter image description here


\begin{tabular}[t]{>{\bfseries}p{3cm} p{7cm}}
Abbreviation & Explanation \\ 
ACPR & Adjacent Channel Power Rejection \\ 
BER & Bit Error Rate \\ 
EVM & Error Vector Magnitude \\ 
FM & Frequency Modulation \\ 
HP & High Port \\ 
IMR & Inter Modulation Rejection \\ 


Addendum to address the OP's follow-up query: To have a thick white line separate the two header cells, add the instructions \arrayrulecolor{white} and \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{2pt} before \begin{tabular} and change the first header cell from Abbreviation to \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\bfseries Abbreviation}.

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