[Tex/LaTex] Vertical spacing in KOMA-script


How can I change vertical spacing (and indents) of \paragraph, list and list item elements in KOMA-script article class? Is there some canonical way to do this?

i need

I've tried to use titlesec package, but it doesn't change \paragraph vertical space.

Best Answer

Unfortunaly there is no MWE in the question. The OP must have changed something regarding the \paragraph definition because with the original definition there would be some space inserted before the paragraph heading.

Here is an example using enumitem and \RedeclareSectionCommand as suggested by @Manuel in a comment.

enter image description here





\usepackage{blindtext}% only dummy text

\paragraph{paragraph text}
  \item list item 1
  \item list item 2
  \item list item 3
