[Tex/LaTex] How to make a rule under each section title with KOMA-Script


This question is more or less a duplicate of this similarly named question, but is not exactly the same. I also want to place a horizontal rule below each section title (exactly like in the linked question). The answer to this existing question only shows how to achieve this using the titlesec package.

However I am using the KOMA-Script class scrreprt, and it is not recommended to use titlesec and KOMA-Script together, as titlesec breaks several KOMA-Script features and KOMA-Script complains about that in a warning.

It appears that \DeclareSectionCommand can only change the vertical skip before / after the section title. Finally there exist commands like \At@startsection to add something before the section title, but nothing to add anything after the section title.

Is there any way to make KOMA-Script print a rule after the section title without using the titlesec package?

A small MWE:

    \chapter{The first chapter}
    \section{A nice section}
    Some text

Desired result (rule doesn't have to be red):


Best Answer

This will be possible with KOMA-Script version 3.19 or newer. There is a newcommand \sectionlinesformat that can be redefined to insert the line after a section title.

\documentclass{scrreprt}[2015/09/15]% needs Version 3.19 or newer

      \raggedsection\@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}\par%
    \@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}}% 

\usepackage{blindtext}% only dummy text
    \chapter{The first chapter}
    \section{A nice section}
    \addsec{A nice section without number}


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