[Tex/LaTex] Vertical alignment of legend entries in pgfplots

pgfplotsvertical alignment

I have multiline legend entries in my plot. The default styles uses centered alignment for both legend image and legend text. How can I change that such that the legend image is top-alignment next to the legend text?





        legend style={
            /tikz/nodes={text width=25pt,text depth=},
        legend entries={%
            Some long text,Some other long text
    \addplot {x};
    \addplot {1+x};



enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use anchor=north for each node in the legend. Even better appears to be anchor=base which aligns with the base line of the first line. Since the images have their center on the baseline, we need to shift them somewhat:





        legend style={
            /tikz/every odd column/.style={yshift=2pt},
            /tikz/nodes={text width=25pt,text depth=,anchor=base},
        legend entries={%
            Some long text,Some other long text
    \addplot {x};
    \addplot {1+x};



enter image description here

My idea assumes that the images are in the odd columns only.

Note: for some reason, the /tikz/ prefix is mandatory in this context (although it usually isn't).