[Tex/LaTex] Using tikz overlay / remember picture option with forest trees


I want to connect two forest trees with an arrow, in a similar way it is discussed here for plain tikz trees. However, it seems to be impossible to add options to the forest environment in a similar fashion. Simply referencing the nodes will only place the arrow to the right of the right tree. (To avoid confusions: I don't speak about the $\Rightarrow_G$ in the first forest environment, but the bended one, that should connect two specific nodes.)

\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning}


% Tree 1
    [$\sigma$, calign=last
        [{\langle \sigma, \{1,2\},\false \rangle}% 
                , math content, calign=first, baseline, draw=blue, ellipse,  name = replaceNode
  \node at (current bounding box.east)
% Tree 2
    [$\sigma$, calign=last
        [$\sigma$, calign=last
            [{\langle \sigma, \{1,2\},\false \rangle}% 
                , math content, calign=first, baseline, name = t1
                [$\sigma$, calign=first
% This arrow should connect two nodes of both trees.
\draw[->, black, dashed, bend angle=45, bend left] (replaceNode) to (t1);



There seems to be the workaround of putting both trees in the same forest environment with a phantom parent node. However, I would appreciate an overlay solution for better modularity of my graphics, especially if more than two trees are involved.

Best Answer

As @cfr suggested in the comment section, this can be done by making use of the tikzmark library.

You need to add \usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} to your preamble. Then, you can put a \subnode in each forest environment and then add a tikzpicture after that with the options overlay and remember picture.

When you issue the \draw command, you can prefix the names of the subnodes with pic cs:, if you want to treat that subnode as a coordinate point (otherwise don't use the pic cs: prefix). Note that you will also need to compile the document twice.

I've also moved the starting point and ending point of the arrow up and over a bit by using the ($()+()$) syntax for specifying a coordinate position.

\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning}


% Tree 1
    [$\sigma$, calign=last
        [\subnode{replaceNode}{$\langle\sigma, \{1,2\},\false \rangle$}, calign=first, baseline, draw=blue, ellipse
  \node at (current bounding box.east)
% Tree 2
    [$\sigma$, calign=last
        [$\sigma$, calign=last
            [\subnode{t1}{$\langle\sigma, \{1,2\},\false \rangle$}, calign=first, baseline
                [$\sigma$, calign=first
% This arrow should connect two nodes of both trees.
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[->, black, dashed, bend angle=45, bend left] ($(pic cs:replaceNode)+(0.25,.2)$) to ($(pic cs:t1)+(0.25,.2)$);



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