[Tex/LaTex] Using Text in `eqnarray`


I have been told that there was a way to use text within eqnarray; however, I have not been able to find or create any workable code. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer



\text{left} &=& \text{right}
\text{left} &=  \text{right}

enter image description here

edit: (by bbeeton, without consulting Sigur)

Consider the following slightly extended example:


\text{left} &=& \text{middle} = \text{right}
\text{left} &= \text{middle} = \text{right}

output of example code

(There isn't any facility for adding extra alignment points in eqnarray; they are changed to "new line" breaks, after being reported as an error.)

Now is it obvious what the (or at least one) problem is with eqnarray?

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