[Tex/LaTex] Resize an eqnarray environment


I am writing a mathematical model using eqnarray environment in beamer, the problem is that I need it to be smaller, so I tried to use resize it using \scalebox or resizebox but I got error (not familiar with them thoug). Is there an easy way to resize the eqnarray environment ? (Do not want to use the \small, \tiny to change font size). Below there is a little equation I would like to apply some resize action. Thanks in advance.


&& \textbf{TP} ~~\text{Max} \sum_{i \in N\setminus\{4\}} J_{i} z_{i} 
&& \text{st} \nonumber\\
&& \sum_{j \in N} xv_{ij} = z_{i}, ~~\forall i \in N \label{S2}

Best Answer

with use of mathtools and nccmath you can slightly reduce size of equation (without changing font size):

\usepackage{mathtools, % instead amsmath, provide `\mathclap`
            nccmath,   % for smaller `sum` symbol

& \textbf{TP} ~~\max \medop\sum_{\mathclap{i \in N\setminus\{4\}}} J_{i} z_{i}
& \text{st } 
  \medop\sum_{j \in N} xv_{ij} = z_{i},\ \forall i \in N \label{S2}

note: eqnarray is long time deprecated and replaced with math environment from amsmath.

enter image description here

for comparison result with your mwe:

enter image description here

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