[Tex/LaTex] Using .bib files for bibliographies


When using references in my document, I'm used to having a central .bib file from which I pull all my references (using \bibliography{path/to/bibfile}) and then let the journal's .bst file do the formatting. When I'm ready to send it to the publishers, I'll manually paste in the contents of the .bbl file, which is now also styled correctly.

This has served me well so far. Now, one journal's style files forces bibliographies to be entered only between \begin{thebibliography}...\end{...}. If I do what I have been doing previously, I get the error:

Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item

and this is the output in the .bbl file:

\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi


What's going on here? Is there some option I can avail of to get back to my old behavior?

Here's an MWE (or non-MWE):

1: .tex file

    Lorem Ipsum \cite{test}

2: .bib file

    author  = {F. Bar},
    title   = {Lorem Ipsum},
    journal = {J. Dolor Sit Am.},
    volume  = {1},
    pages   = {1--10},
    year    = {2012},

Use the .cls and .bst files from the link above. My standard compilation routine is pdflatex-bibtex-pdflatex-pdflatex

Best Answer

Use the \cite command to add references.

Lorem Ipsum \cite{test}

In any method of compilation i.e. latex-bibtex-latex-latex-dvips-ps2pdf or pdflatex-bibtex-pdflatex-pdflatex the output is produced.

The resulting .bbl file is here

\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi

Bar, F., 2012.
\newblock Lorem ipsum, {\it J. Dolor Sit Am.\/}, {\bf 1}, 1--10.


If desired output is not obtained, try deleting .log,.blg,.aux,.bbl files before compiling again.

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