[Tex/LaTex] Using MikTex, adding bibliography, getting a “Undefined Control Sequence”


I'm using MikTex v2.9 for homework in the subject computergraphics at university.

I'm using the acmsiggraph layout.


So my problem is, I'm trying to use BibTex for my bibliography and everytime I get an error while compiling:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \@listctr 

l.3 \bibitem{rehfeld}

My BBL-File looks weird, year and published are missing. I don't know why.


Stephan Rehfeld.
\newblock Digitale bilder.


My Bibfile named "bib.bib" looks like this:

    AUTHOR      = "Stephan Rehfeld",
    TITLE           = {"Digitale Bilder"},
    HOWPUBLISHED    = "\url{https://public.beuth-hochschule.de/~rehfeld/lehre/2015/ss/digitale-bilder.pdf}",
    YEAR            = "2015"

I added the bibfile at the end of the document like I'm supposed to do.


The weird thing is, if I ignore the error, the "Literatur"-Section in my PDF looks OK, and has all the information from the .bib-file in it. And the bbl-file looks OK too and has all the information in it:


Stephan Rehfeld.
\newblock Digitale bilder.


But the error stays. So please, if you have any idea help me please. 🙂

EDIT: Still getting the Error, but it now looks like I can work with it…
And it doesn't matter what I refer to in \cite it shows [0] at any place? 😀


Thank you very much!

Best Answer

The acmsiggraph document class file and auxiliary files don't seem to be on the CTAN; however, I found some files at http://www.siggraph.org/sites/default/files/acmsiggraph2015.zip. If that's not where you got the template and document class files from, please state your preferred source for these files.

The main thing to note is that the argument of the \bibliography instruction -- the .bib file(s) -- should be stated without the .bib extension. In the present case, that should be


With this change in place, you should no longer experience bibtex-related problems. Note that you should encase the title field in an additional pair of curly braces, to keep the word "Bilder" from being lower-cased. You may also want to consider using the acmsiggraph bibliography style instead of the plain bib style.

enter image description here

    AUTHOR      = "Stephan Rehfeld",
    TITLE           = "{Digitale Bilder}",
    HOWPUBLISHED    = "\url{https://public.beuth-hochschule.de/~rehfeld/lehre/2015/ss/digitale-bilder.pdf}",
    YEAR            = "2015"

\bibliographystyle{acmsiggraph}  % not "plain.bst"
\bibliography{mybibliography}  % <-- no ".bib" extension
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