[Tex/LaTex] Using baposter: position logos


I am preparing a poster, and the problem I have is that the logo stays center to the line of title, while i wanna it to respect the top margin. any idea how to do that?

{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{LOGO1}}  %%%Added left logo
{\sf\bf \smaller What I talk about} % Poster title
{\vspace{0.2em} I am the speaker} % Author names

beside, how can I add a box the title part?

Best Answer

You may try something like this:

{\sf\bf\smaller\fbox{What I talk about}}
{\vspace{0.2em} I am the speaker}
{\parbox[top][6em][t]{10em}{\hfill \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{LOGO2}}}

Also make sure that eyecatcher=yes.