[Tex/LaTex] baposter multi-line headerbox


I'm preparing a poster with baposter package, and I have a long header in the headerbox so it exceeds the limit. Is there any way to write the header in the headerbox in multi-line?

Best Answer

If I'm not mistaken, this is where the title is defined in baposter.cls

\ifbaposter@eyecatcher% Has eye catcher%
  \draw (image.east) node(title)[anchor=west,text width=\baposter@titleimage@textwidth]{%
      \textbf{\Huge #3}\\%
      {\Large #4}%
\else% Has no eye catcher
  \draw (image.east) node(title)[anchor=west]  { {\begin{minipage}{\baposter@titleimage@textwidth}{\bfseries\Huge #3}\\{\Large #4}\end{minipage}} };%

Obviously, the fontsize used are Huge and Large, while the tikz node where they are ''hosted'' has no specific font size defined, which will cause bad line spacing. I'd recommend doing it slightly differently and modifying this portion of code such as

  • the font size is correctly set inside the tikz node
  • the #3 and #4 contents are in two different nodes
  • the minipage environment is avoided

This would mean some code like this (for the if part, to be adapted for the else part):

  \draw (image.east) node(title)[anchor=west,text width=\baposter@titleimage@textwidth,text badly centered,font=\Huge\bfseries]{#3};
  \node[below of=title,anchor=west,text width=\baposter@titleimage@textwidth,text badly centered,font=\Large]{#4};

Note that the positioning library of tikz might be requested if not already defined in the class header.

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