[Tex/LaTex] Use of the bibliography style IEEEtran.bst yields hyphenation warning


This bibliography style does not want to use Babel hyphenation patterns, but it should generate its own for the English language.
On my current computer I am using Miktex 2.9 and I added all English languages via the Settings window (as an admin).
However I still get a lot of copies of the following warning (two per reference using the language field):

** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been
** loaded for the language `en'. Using the pattern for
** the default language instead.

I assume the default language is English as well, so I don't understand why these messages pop up. Does anyone have an idea what I can do to avoid these warnings?

a MWE:


with bib1:

    title = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}: {Overview} and {State}-of-the-{Art}},
    volume = {2},
    issn = {1612-8850, 1612-8869},
    shorttitle = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}},
    url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ppap.200400078},
    doi = {10.1002/ppap.200400078},
    language = {en},
    number = {5},
    urldate = {2016-02-01},
    journal = {Plasma Processes and Polymers},
    author = {Laroussi, Mounir},
    month = jun,
    year = {2005},
    pages = {391--400},
    file = {Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:files/236/Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:application/pdf}

Best Answer

As I said in the the comments the value language needs a key in form of babel is using it. The documentation of IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO_pdf says:

However, the names given in the language field must follow Babel’s convention for the names of the hyphenation patterns.

Using this convention your example should look like

% TEX TS-program = arara
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: bibtex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
        title = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}: {Overview} and {State}-of-the-{Art}},
        volume = {2},
        issn = {1612-8850, 1612-8869},
        shorttitle = {Low {Temperature} {Plasma}-{Based} {Sterilization}},
        url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ppap.200400078},
        doi = {10.1002/ppap.200400078},
        language = {english},
        number = {5},
        urldate = {2016-02-01},
        journal = {Plasma Processes and Polymers},
        author = {Laroussi, Mounir},
        month = jun,
        year = {2005},
        pages = {391--400},
        file = {Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:files/236/Laroussi - 2005 - Low Temperature Plasma-Based Sterilization Overvi.pdf:application/pdf}

The log-file doesn't have any warnings:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2017.2.25)  22 MAR 2017 12:34
entering extended mode
 restricted \write18 enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2017/01/01> patch level 3
Babel <3.9r> and hyphenation patterns for 83 language(s) loaded.
Package: filecontents 2011/10/08 v1.3 Create an external file from within a LaT
eX document

LaTeX Warning: Overwriting file `./bib1.bib'.

\openout15 = `bib1.bib'.

LaTeX Warning: Tab has been converted to Blank Space.

Document Class: IEEEtran 2015/08/26 V1.8b by Michael Shell
-- See the "IEEEtran_HOWTO" manual for usage information.
-- http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
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File: ot1ptm.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for OT1/ptm.
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(Font)              Font shape `OT1/ptm/b/it' tried instead on input line 1090.

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) (/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/url/url.sty
Package: url 2013/09/16  ver 3.4  Verb mode for urls, etc.
) (./test.aux)
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) [1{/usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}

] (./test.aux) ) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
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Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 23783 bytes).
PDF statistics:
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 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)