[Tex/LaTex] Use font in XeTeX not installed on the system


Using XeLaTeX, how can I use a font that I have downloaded in a folder, but have not installed on my system? I have tried to specify the path in setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/, but I receive the error message fontspec error: "font-not-found"

Based on what I have found googling, I have tried these options, but they all give the same error message:

\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/}{LinLibertine_Rah.ttf}
\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/LinLibertine_Rah.ttf}
\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/}{LinLibertine}
\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/LinLibertine}
\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/}{Linux Libertine}
\setmainfont{Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/Linux Libertine}
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/]{LinLibertine_Rah.ttf}
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/LinLibertine_Rah.ttf]
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/]{LinLibertine}
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/LinLibertine]
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/]{Linux Libertine}
\setmainfont[Path = C:/MyFolder/MyFonts/Linux Libertine]

Best Answer

Based on the comments and suggestions I received, I'm providing the solution here.

\setmainfont[   Path              = C:/MyStuff/Fonts/LinLibertineTTF/,
                Extension         = .ttf,
                BoldFont          = LinLibertine_RBah,
                ItalicFont        = LinLibertine_RIah,
                BoldItalicFont    = LinLibertine_RBIah,
                SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters = SmallCaps},
                Numbers           = OldStyle

Avoid spaces and underscores in your path.