[Tex/LaTex] Problems with opentype options under XeTeX


I am new in the LaTeX world, so I don't understand everything about it, especially about the use of fonts.

I installed Linux Libertine font on my distribution (I use Gentoo, so I installed the package media-fonts/libertine-ttf), and it works fine using WYSIWYG programs, like LibreOffice. I can use the Linux Libertine O, Linux Libertine O C etc.

But, using XeTeX, it doesn't work. I set in my header

\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures={Contextual, Common, Historical, Rare, Discretionary}]{Linux Libertine O}

But when I compile with xelatex, it says

(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/carlisle/scalefnt.sty)kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Libertine O', contains ' '

! fontspec error: "font-not-found"
! The font "Linux Libertine O" cannot be found.
! See the fontspec documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H .

When I remove the O in Linux Libertine O, it says:

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/B',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/B',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/I',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/I',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Contextual' (+clig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/BI',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Ligatures=Historical' (+hlig) not availabl
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/BI',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

 fontspec warning: OpenType feature 'Letters=SmallCaps' (+smcp) not available
(fontspec)  for font 'Linux Libertine/BI',
(fontspec)  with script 'Latin', and language 'Default'.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/LinuxLibertine(0)/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 26.

What is wrong with my code (shown below)?




%\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers=OldStyle, Ligatures=Historical]{Linux Libertine}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures={Contextual, Common, Historical, Rare, Discretionary}]{Linux Libertine}


\begin{letter}{Régie Trouduc'\\42, rue de tes fesses\\69007 Lyon}
\name{Lenny Baralair}
\address{Georges Dupont\\42, rue du chariot d'or\\69001 Lyon\\
        {\addfontfeature{Letters=SmallCaps} Numéro de référence locataire : 654654654} }
\telephone{06 42 42 42 42}


\opening{Madame, Monsieur,}

Ceci est ma lettre que je ne veux pas rendre public sur ce site.

\closing{Je vous prie d'agréer,
Madame, Monsieur,
l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.}



Best Answer

First, a font does not necessarily support all types of ligatures. Linux Libertine supports only (checked here) Ligatures={Common,Rare,Discretionary}.

The OpenType variant of Linux Libertine shipped with media-fonts/libertine-ttf works on an up-to-date Gentoo with TeX Live 2011. Another option is to install the dev-texlive/texlive-fontsextra package, which also contains the font. To use it and to be able to select it by name, run this command after installation:

eselect fontconfig enable 09-texlive.conf

This will allow all programs to access fonts installed in the TeX Live texmf tree.

Then this code will work as expected:


\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures={Common,Rare,Discretionary}]{Linux Libertine O}


Hello World


Note: This was tested on TeX Live 2011. Gentoo has TeX Live 2010 as the stable version. If you keep experiencing problems, try upgrading to the newer version of TeX Live.