[Tex/LaTex] URL font in bibliography with Helvetica and BibLaTeX


I have the following example with Helvetica font and BibLaTeX:

author = "Doe, John",
journal = "Journal of Fun",
year = 2018,
title = "This is a title.",
url = {http://www.example.com/test/test}


%% Font

%% Bibliography
\usepackage[style=apa, sorting=nyt, backend=biber, doi=false, eprint=false, apamaxprtauth=999]{biblatex}


Some text.~\autocite{foo2010}



The document font is correctly set to Helvetica. However, the URL font in bibliography is some different serif font:

broken URL font

Is there a way to set the URL font to Helvetica as well?

Best Answer

biblatex-apa sets \urlstyle{rm}, but you want


Which gives



\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber, doi=false, eprint=false, apamaxprtauth=999]{biblatex}


Some text.~\autocite{markey}


The URL in the example entry appears in sans-serif Helvetica now

Note that sorting=nyt will not give you the exact sorting that the APA style needs, I suggest you remove it and let biblatex-apa specify the sorting on its own.

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