[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence error with $\inst{}$ inside \author


I am writing a journal paper using Springer template and I am trying to use \inst and \institute to add different affiliation for one author. However, I couldn't solve the error "! Undefined control sequence".

I have tried different solution mentioned in this website but non is working for me. The following example will occur the same error




 \journalname{Journal Nmae}

\title{Insert your title here
\subtitle{Do you have a subtitle?\\ If so, write it here}

\author{AuthorA  $^\inst{1,2}$   \and
        AuthorB   $^\inst{1}$ \and
        AuthorC  $^\inst{1}$ 

\institute{F. Author \at
              first address \\
              Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
              Fax: +123-45-678910\\
           S. Author \at
              second address




Best Answer

The svjour3 class doesn't use superscript numbers to identify the addresses.




\journalname{Journal Nmae}


\title{Insert your title here}
\subtitle{Do you have a subtitle?\\ If so, write it here}

\author{AuthorA \and
        AuthorB \and

  AuthorA \and AuthorB \and AuthorC 
  first address \\
  Tel.: +123-45-678910\\
  Fax: +123-45-678910\\
  second address




The arrow in the picture represents the text, the institutions will be at the bottom of the page.

enter image description here